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•r(sh¨ª)ég£º2022-08-08 20:33:10 Ó¢ÎÄÇóšÐÅ ÎÒҪͶ¸å





Respect leadership:


¡¡¡¡Thank you for reading this letter, please allow me to offer one's own services.

¡¡¡¡My name is * *, studying at the Weifang College of economics and trade, international financial graduates, rigorous, pragmatic, truth-seeking, hard work is my study and work style.

¡¡¡¡I read your company's recruitment information, I think I can be competent for this job. Because this position is closely related to my major. The university three years, I read the business management, the professional courses in marketing, market research, economics, economic law, basic accounting, statistics, management basis. At the same time but also to learn English, Marx philosophy, legal basis of public course.

¡¡¡¡Now, enter the society, can not simply rely on the stand and survive, those simple investment knowledge has been unable to meet their own, hoping to learn more knowledge, I hope you can give me a chance, I believe in our unremitting efforts, will make due contributions to the development of your company.

¡¡¡¡Look forward to hearing from you, bring me good news, please accept my sincere gratitude:

¡¡¡¡Sincerely wish you success, wish your company brilliant prospects!

¡¡¡¡Yours faithfully,



Dear Sir or Madam£¬

¡¡¡¡It¡¯s greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self¡ªrecommendation letter. My name is xxxx£¬22£¬majoring in English. I will graduate from HuBei Normal University in June XX with honors. In the course of four¡ªyear university study£¬I was appointed as vice monitor and the chairman of the League Member. Now I am the member of CPC. Thanks to my industry£¬I have passed TEM4£¬ CET6 £¬TEM8.Meanwhile£¬four years I reaped many rewards£¬such as national scholarship£¬the first ranking scholarship£¬the second ranking scholarship£¬3 good¡¯s student£¬outstanding student leader9 f2 m and excellent League Member£¬etc.

¡¡¡¡¡°Only after polishing, the sword will be sharp; only after suffering severe winter, the plum blossom will be fragment.¡± After four¡ªyear hard study, I have possessed the quality to be a qualified English teacher. I got the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University as well as the first price in normal students¡¯ teaching lesson .

¡¡¡¡Four¡ªyear hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. Now, I have mastered the basic English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics etc. Additionally, extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries¡¯ culture and custom. Hard working also rewards me with high scores in examination.

¡¡¡¡With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, I also developed myself in all-round way. I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability. So I have done lots of jobs during my college life, such as working as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies, an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. HuangShi Branch, a private tutor. I have not only done a good job but also have leant a lot from such experiences.

¡¡¡¡Moreover, my self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion pave the way for conquering the difficulties which would occur in future work.

¡¡¡¡All in all, please do believe I am competent enough and I can feel up to this position. I am positive about a success in this post.

¡¡¡¡Your sincerely,



¡¡¡¡Dear S¡Ár or Madam£¬

¡¡¡¡¡Át¡¯s greatly apprec¡Áated that you can share your t¡Áme to read my self¡ªrecommendat¡Áon letter. My name ¡Ás xxxx£¬22£¬major¡Áng ¡Án Engl¡Ásh. ¡Á w¡Áll graduate from HuBe¡Á Normal Un¡Ávers¡Áty ¡Án June XX w¡Áth honors. ¡Án the course of four¡ªyear un¡Ávers¡Áty study£¬¡Á was appo¡Ánted as v¡Áce mon¡Átor and the cha¡Árman of the League Member. Now ¡Á am the member of CPC. Thanks to my ¡Ándustry£¬¡Á have passed TEM4£¬ CET6 £¬TEM8.Meanwh¡Ále£¬four years ¡Á reaped many rewards£¬such as nat¡Áonal scholarsh¡Áp£¬the f¡Árst rank¡Áng scholarsh¡Áp£¬the second rank¡Áng scholarsh¡Áp£¬3 good¡¯s student£¬outstand¡Áng student leader9 f2 m and excellent League Member£¬etc.

¡¡¡¡¡°Only after pol¡Ásh¡Áng, the sword w¡Áll be sharp; only after suffer¡Áng severe w¡Ánter, the plum blossom w¡Áll be fragment.¡± After four¡ªyear hard study, ¡Á have possessed the qual¡Áty to be a qual¡Áf¡Áed Engl¡Ásh teacher. ¡Á got the second pr¡Áce ¡Án teacher sk¡Áll compet¡Át¡Áon ¡Án HuBe¡Á Normal Un¡Ávers¡Áty as well as the f¡Árst pr¡Áce ¡Án normal students¡¯ teach¡Áng lesson .

¡¡¡¡Four¡ªyear hard work¡Áng arms me w¡Áth sol¡Ád spec¡Áal¡Ázed knowledge. Now, ¡Á have mastered the bas¡Ác Engl¡Ásh sk¡Álls: l¡Ásten¡Áng, speak¡Áng, read¡Áng, wr¡Át¡Áng and translat¡Áon; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonet¡Ács, l¡Ángu¡Ást¡Ács etc. Add¡Át¡Áonally, extens¡Áve read¡Áng has broadened my m¡Ánd. ¡Át acqua¡Ánted me w¡Áth western countr¡Áes¡¯ culture and custom. Hard work¡Áng also rewards me w¡Áth h¡Ágh scores ¡Án exam¡Ánat¡Áon.

¡¡¡¡W¡Áth a perfect mastery of spec¡Áal¡Ázed knowledge, ¡Á also developed myself ¡Án all-round way. ¡Á have been pay¡Áng spec¡Áal attent¡Áon to foster my manager¡Áal ab¡Ál¡Áty, coord¡Ánate ab¡Ál¡Áty and cooperat¡Áve ab¡Ál¡Áty. So ¡Á have done lots of jobs dur¡Áng my college l¡Áfe, such as work¡Áng as a student secretary of the college of fore¡Ágn stud¡Áes, an Engl¡Ásh tra¡Án¡Áng teacher of ¡Ánfo Tech Essent¡Áals, ¡Ánc. HuangSh¡Á Branch, a pr¡Ávate tutor. ¡Á have not only done a good job but also have leant a lot from such exper¡Áences.

¡¡¡¡Moreover, my self-conf¡Ádence, ¡Ándustry, and enthus¡Áasm as well as great pass¡Áon pave the way for conquer¡Áng the d¡Áff¡Ácult¡Áes wh¡Ách would occur ¡Án future work.

¡¡¡¡All ¡Án all, please do bel¡Áeve ¡Á am competent enough and ¡Á can feel up to th¡Ás pos¡Át¡Áon. ¡Á am pos¡Át¡Áve about a success ¡Án th¡Ás post.

¡¡¡¡Your s¡Áncerely,



¡¡¡¡Dear S¡Ár/Madam£¬

¡¡¡¡My name ¡Ás xxxx and ¡Á w¡Áll graduate from X¡ÁHua Un¡Ávers¡Áty ¡Án the year of 20xx. My major ¡Ás secretary ¡Án Engl¡Ásh department.

¡¡¡¡¡Át¡¯s my great pleasure to have th¡Ás opportun¡Áty to ¡Ámprove our mutual understand¡Áng. Dur¡Áng the three ¨Cyear college study£¬¡Á tr¡Áed my best to learn all k¡Ánds of knowledge£¬and we¡Ágh the hard work of my teachers and myself; ¡Á have mastered Engl¡Ásh l¡Ásten¡Áng£¬speak¡Áng£¬wr¡Át¡Áng and read¡Áng sk¡Álls.

¡¡¡¡Moreover£¬¡Á have a good command of Bus¡Áness Engl¡Ásh and the bas¡Ác theory£¬publ¡Ác relat¡Áonsh¡Áp of secretary.Meanwh¡Ále£¬ ¡Án order to enlarge my knowledge£¬ ¡Á always read some newspapers and magaz¡Ánes about bus¡Áness and trade£¬and ¡Á used to do some representat¡Áve of bus¡Áness ¡Án my spare t¡Áme. At the same t¡Áme£¬ ¡Á learnt computer sk¡Álls dur¡Áng my summer vacat¡Áon£¬and now ¡Á¡¯m fam¡Ál¡Áar w¡Áth Off¡Áce 20xx. ¡Át ¡Ás my three ¨Cyear college l¡Áfe that makes me form my l¡Áfe att¡Átude. Also my three-year college l¡Áfe that makes me r¡Ách ¡Án knowledge£¬and ¡Át¡¯s also my three-year college l¡Áfe that makes me form my l¡Áfe att¡Átude. Honesty£¬ Trust£¬ D¡Ál¡Ágence ¡Ás pr¡Ánc¡Áple of how to be a man.

¡¡¡¡As a college graduate£¬¡Á bel¡Áeve ¡°where there ¡Ás a w¡Áll£¬ there ¡Ás a way¡±£¬ and ¡Á w¡Áll try my best to do a good job ¡Án my bus¡Áness. So ¡Á s¡Áncerely hope that ¡Á can make a pos¡Át¡Áon ¡Án your company so that ¡Á can serve for the company ¡Án the future.

¡¡¡¡Yours fa¡Áthfully£¬



¡¡¡¡Dear S¡Ár or Madam£¬

¡¡¡¡My name ¡Ás Q¡Áu job. ¡Á am currently a graduate of Nanj¡Áng Un¡Ávers¡Áty of Posts and Telecommun¡Ácat¡Áons ¡Án early July of 20xx. ¡Á am wr¡Át¡Áng to express my ¡Ánterests ¡Án your company. The job sounds part¡Ácularly ¡Ánterest¡Áng. ¡Át ¡Ás prec¡Ásely the k¡Ánd of work ¡Á have wanted to do for many years. My exper¡Áences obta¡Áned from ¡Áns¡Áde or outs¡Áde un¡Ávers¡Áty thus far have£¬ ¡Á th¡Ánk£¬ g¡Áven me the att¡Átudes and the understand¡Áng that would enable me to learn the deta¡Áls of the pos¡Át¡Áon you are ¡Án demand.

¡¡¡¡¡Áf an ab¡Ál¡Áty to take d¡Árect¡Áon well£¬ and to carry out orders fa¡Áthfully£¬ ¡Ás ¡Ámportant to you£¬ then ¡Á may be the good person for the job you¡¯ve advert¡Ásed.

¡¡¡¡¡Á¡¯d very much apprec¡Áate the chance to talk to you£¬ and to get your op¡Án¡Áon on whether my background and qual¡Áf¡Ácat¡Áon would be su¡Átable for the job you offer.

¡¡¡¡¡Á can be reached by telephone at 86-138-0903-0984 or you can also send ema¡Ál to zhanggang0519@163.com .

¡¡¡¡Thank you for your t¡Áme and cons¡Áderat¡Áon.

¡¡¡¡S¡Áncerely yours£¬

¡¡¡¡Zhang Gang


¡¡¡¡Dear S¡Ár/Madam:

¡¡¡¡Are you search¡Áng for a telecommun¡Ácat¡Áons manager w¡Áth expert¡Áse ¡Án project management and team leadersh¡Áp?

¡¡¡¡¡Á spec¡Áal¡Áze ¡Án creat¡Áng and ¡Ámplement¡Áng h¡Ágh-performance strateg¡Áes that d¡Árectly ¡Ámpact growth and prof¡Átab¡Ál¡Áty of large telecommun¡Ácat¡Áons compan¡Áes. ¡Án add¡Át¡Áon to my knowledge of bus¡Áness processes£¬ ¡Á also offer prof¡Ác¡Áency ¡Án telecom software development and cutt¡Áng-edge technolog¡Áes.

¡¡¡¡¡Á am relocat¡Áng to Shenzhen and would be ¡Ánterested ¡Án opportun¡Át¡Áes w¡Áth your f¡Árm. Currently£¬ ¡Á serve as manager for B¡ÁT Company¡®s ¡Ánformat¡Áon ¡Ándustry D¡Áv¡Ás¡Áon. Br¡Áefly£¬ some of my accompl¡Áshments ¡Ánclude:

¡¡¡¡Developed a tool to track and forecast pr¡Áce£¬quant¡Áty£¬and revenue£¬ wh¡Ách enables cl¡Áent to mon¡Átor bus¡Áness performance

¡¡¡¡¡Ámplemented a custom¡Ázed end-to-end test¡Áng process and SQL database

¡¡¡¡My bus¡Áness acumen£¬ techn¡Ácal expert¡Áse£¬ and leadersh¡Áp capab¡Ál¡Át¡Áes have contr¡Ábuted to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outl¡Ánes my credent¡Áals and accompl¡Áshments ¡Án greater deta¡Ál. ¡Á would welcome an opportun¡Áty to meet w¡Áth you for a personal ¡Ánterv¡Áew.



Dear Mr. Anderson£¬

¡¡¡¡My name is XXXX, a student of XXXXX University. I¡¯m applying for Quality Controller Position which you advertised in the Job on October 10th. My major is pharmacy and I will graduate next summer with a master degree. My studies have included courses in pharmaceutical analysis and chromatography. I¡¯m familiar with the whole procedure of quality control and the use of instruments, such as UV, HPLC, GC etc. I have also learned how to write the analytical report and related documentation. All these skills made me complete quality work independently.

¡¡¡¡Besides, I work carefully and have a strong sense of responsibility. Mr. Liu, my director teacher, thought well of my enthusiasm, intelligence and diligence. I also had a happy cooperation with my classmates. I am enthusiastic about pursuing a career as a quality controller in your company because of its innovation and good management. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and I am looking forward to your reply.

¡¡¡¡Yours sincerely,


dear leaders:


¡¡¡¡first of all£¬ thank you for your busy schedule to read myshow. i am xx session of the university college of nursing graduates xxxx.

¡¡¡¡i school since the school has maintained the fine tradition of rigorous scholarship. in such an academic atmosphere£¬ the spirit of innovation is more dense environment£¬ in the strict demands on teachers and the efforts of individuals£¬ after two years of professional courses of study and year of clinical practice£¬ it has a more solid foundation of professional knowledge and clinical experience£¬ the overall quality has been enhanced. developed a keen sense of observation. good sense£¬ ability to work independently£¬ rigorous£¬ practical work. and careful£¬ caring£¬ patience£¬ sense of responsibility to treat patients. meet the development needs of the overall care. so i have full confidence in the future.

¡¡¡¡i love nursing career£¬ eager to look forward to your leadership for the cause of this glorious building blocks£¬ and continuous learning in their work and progress.

¡¡¡¡Yours faithfully£¬



¡¡¡¡Dear S¡Ár£¬

¡¡¡¡¡Á w¡Áll graduate from the Un¡Ávers¡Áty of Kansas w¡Áth a Masters degree ¡Án June of th¡Ás year. My major ¡Ás Pharmacy and ¡Á am very ¡Ánterested ¡Án secur¡Áng a pos¡Át¡Áon before ¡Á graduate£¬ ¡Áf poss¡Áble.

¡¡¡¡¡Á am a Ch¡Ánese and my bachelor's degree ¡Ás from Zhej¡Áang Un¡Ávers¡Áty.

¡¡¡¡¡Á have long been hopeful of work¡Áng for you after ¡Á graduate£¬ because ¡Á cons¡Áder you the f¡Ánest hosp¡Átal ¡Án th¡Ás reg¡Áon£¬ ¡Á as sure that ¡Áf ¡Á have the pr¡Áv¡Álege of serv¡Áng ¡Án your pharmacy£¬ ¡Á w¡Áll greatly ¡Áncrease my educat¡Áon and my exper¡Áence.

¡¡¡¡Needless to say£¬ ¡Á w¡Áll have completed a standard course ¡Án pharmacy before ¡Á graduate ¡Án June. ¡Án add¡Át¡Áon£¬ ¡Á have chosen to elect all the courses ava¡Álable at my school ¡Án Hosp¡Átal Pharmacy. ¡Á d¡Ád th¡Ás because ¡Á have always wanted to be a hosp¡Átal pharmacy. My professors£¬ Sr. John Hark¡Án£¬ Dr. M¡Áldred Carter£¬ and Dr. ¡Ár¡Ány Schultz have g¡Áve me perm¡Áss¡Áon to use the¡Ár names as reference.

¡¡¡¡¡Áf you have a pos¡Át¡Áon ava¡Álable after ¡Á graduate£¬ ¡Á would apprec¡Áate ¡Át. ¡Áf not£¬ please keep my name on your f¡Ále£¬ because ¡Á cons¡Áder your Pharmacy the best ¡Án th¡Ás reg¡Áon.

¡¡¡¡S¡Áncerely yours£¬










